I have prepared this material for those who want to stop drinking on their own or help a loved one. I am speaking in plain, non-medical language so that you understand what to do and where to go.
Millions of people suffer from alcoholism. This is much more than people suffering from other diseases. Alcoholism destroys not only families but also a person's personality. Alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult ailments and, moreover, it can be quite dangerous. Therefore, it is important to work to prevent and treat alcohol consumption disorders.
We believe it is possible to stop drinking! And most importantly, we are ready to help you do it yourself or with the help of specialists. Read the article to the end and don't get distracted by thinking about some of the topics below.

Like this! What is alcoholism?
Alcoholism is "a disease of the mind, body and spirit". Since this state includes physical and psychological desire. And also coercion to the use of alcohol that alter moods. And recovery from alcohol addiction includes physical, psychological, and emotional healing.
If we talk like a term, then, according to the great Soviet encyclopedia, it sounds like this: alcoholism is a chronic mental illness. That is, from this definition it follows that alcoholism is a disease on a psychological level. Physical addiction comes much later, when a person transforms into a being who only needs one thing, to fill up with alcohol. And it doesn't matter whether it's a substitute, a tincture or something else.
The psychological level of the disease is quite possible to overcome on your own. Methods for quitting drinking, I will analyze further. But with physical addiction, you need to see a doctor - a narcologist and already medically cure yourself for alcohol addiction.
How to understand that there is a problem and it needs to be solved?
Below I will analyze some situations that may be familiar or close to you. If you have at least one of the signs listed below, you still have an addiction to alcohol and may not be a heavy alcoholic yet, but there is a problem.
- you have been invited to a party and you have immediately noticed that the event will be "dry". And you refused to go because you have no idea how you can have fun and relax without alcohol;
- more and more often you start retiring with alcohol, no matter how strong it is. But you feel more comfortable sipping beer alone than in company;
- only by drinking can you cope with feelings of anxiety and anxiety;
- it is very difficult to cope with the urge to drink, you are not stopped by the circumstances that tomorrow at work. Either you have an important exam, or you have to pass some kind of analysis;
- to condemn those who do not drink at all, there is definitely something wrong with this person;
- getting drunk to such an extent that in the morning it is very difficult to remember what you were doing.
Next, we'll look at what you can do about it and how to overcome alcohol addiction.

Stop drinking and change your life for the better!
The onset of addiction and the stages of alcoholism
Gradually, a person addicted to alcohol begins to abuse it and it becomes very difficult not to drink for several days in a row. You're waiting for Friday so you can spend the whole weekend drinking. After that, the habit of drinking passes on weekdays and no longer keeps it tomorrow for work. If before you were looking for some reason, the cat's birthday, Bastille day, you bought some new socks, then the drink will be for no reason, just because I want it. And already the question "what to drink for" disappears by itself.
Reasons to drink
They are quite different. They drink because:
- difficulties appeared in life: a loved one suffered or died;
- financial issues are not resolved: they have been fired from work and it is impossible to find a new one; "strangle" loans or mortgages, etc. ;
- there is no rest at home: the wife saws, there is no rest with the mother-in-law, the neighbor sharpens a tooth. . ;
- forced by someone;
- does not want to be different from everyone else;
- for some, this is a sign of adulthood;
- someone relaxes like this;
- removes his shyness.
It is worth noting that alcohol addiction begins differently for everyone. Someone can start at 15-16 years old. Others start at 25-30 years old.
In addition, alcohol consumption turns into a habit and without it a person simply cannot feel relaxed. In alcohol, we begin to drown our problems, because a drunkard doesn't care what's going on around him. Is alreadysobriety becomes a disease. . . Because it is bad for a sober person to accept the world and properly perceive the situation. Alcohol turns into a "medicine" that only heals our illusions.
Stages of alcoholism
There are several stages of alcoholism:
- The first stage of alcoholism: it is difficult to refrain from drinking, a friend came with a bottle, how to refuse? And it doesn't matter that there are very important things tomorrow. The first stage could be cured without outside help. Desire and self-work are important;
- The second stage of alcoholism: when a person drinks a lot, but does not get drunk. And without alcohol, it is simply impossible for a person to exist. This is the beginning of physical addiction;
- The third stage of alcoholism: different from the second. When you've had a drink and are having a hard time standing up. And this condition is permanent. You urgently need drug treatment.
The most important thing, you need to understand that alcohol addiction does not occur overnight. It involves a progressive and complex process that takes place in an area of the brain known as the "reward center". In the same place that regulates and enhances the natural needs that are vital for our existence. This is why the addicted brain pursues alcohol and other drugs as if these substances are necessary for our very survival. And that's why actively addicted people put the pursuit of alcohol or other drugs above any other priority.
Scientists have also identified many social, psychological, genetic and other factors that make some people more vulnerable than others to developing alcoholism. In all cases, it is important to understand that no one chooses to develop alcoholism. Two people may start drinking alcohol, with one person becoming addicted to alcohol and the other developing no symptoms.
Also keep in mind that people who become addicted can never use alcohol or other addictive drugs without endangering their health. Their brain chemistry has changed in such a way that it can be rebalanced through rehabilitation, but this balance will always remain vulnerable to new use.
Ways and methods to stop drinking
Effective ways you can use to fight alcohol. Don't put off until tomorrow. It starts now.
So follow all the methods described below and you will be able to stop drinking once and for all!
First way to quit drinking: "Get scared"
Although they say that it is useless to read articles about the dangers of alcohol, it does not help, but after all, no one reads them carefully. If you feel like you want to drink more and more, don't be lazy and reread our article. Better keep it to yourself. And also read how harmful alcohol is. Take 15 minutes each day to read small articles. So let's say, be intimidated and always remember the dangers of alcohol. Think about your liver, your youth, your beauty. And also about how difficult it is to fight alcoholism. Especially if you do it yourself.
The second way to quit drinking: "Be the actor in your own movie"
Another very interesting way to think about giving up alcohol is to film yourself drunk. Put up a camera or ask someone. Often, not everyone will be able to watch their drunken adventures even until halfway through the shoot. And the feeling of shame is the hallmark of a person from an animal. You will also understand how difficult it is for your loved ones.
The third way to quit drinking: "Find an ecological substitute"
It is very important to find a way to relax, to replace alcohol with something else. Sport, dance, sing, find your talent. Reassure yourself that it is important to you to stop drinking. We wanted to have a drink in the evening but went for a run in the fresh air instead. Or he went to the gym.
The main thing is that this is an environmentally friendly solution, in no case replace alcohol, for example, with pills. Everyone has willpower, you just have to find it in yourself and replace the alcohol not with another mind-clouding substance, but with something that will delight you.
The fourth way to quit drinking: "Clean up your friends list and update your social circle. "
If there are people in your social circle who are constantly drinking and pushing you, get rid of communication with such friends. Understand that these are not friends and remember the words of the song "A Friend Won't Tell You, Drink It Deep". The social circle of alcoholics is a black hole, from which it is very difficult to get out on your own with every bottle you drink. And with every bottle you drink, you take a step to be alone.
In addition, today there are many opportunities to renew your social circle: parks, gyms, hobby clubs. . .
The fifth way to quit drinking: "Become your personal accountant"
Keep a journal of your alcohol spending. And write how much you did not spend today for this useless broth.
Go to the store and get yourself a gift with this money, for example, high-quality clothes, a new phone. Reward yourself for quitting drinking! Better yet, save. See how much you will have in a month and what you can buy instead of alcohol.
The sixth way to stop beating: "Memory won't get you drunk"
Over time, you will learn to control yourself and a symbolic glass of champagne for the New Year will not involve drinking a liter of vodka. You will already know your limit: after how many sips you will want to drink more and more, or which glass is not worth drinking.
Make sure you remember what you called "gin out of the toilet" the next morning after drinking and how it felt like your head would be popping in pain now and that it would be the ideal option for you. By the way, if you have a hangover after drinking a lot, this is a very loud doorbell, already calling you an alcoholic.
The seventh way to stop drinking forever: "A friend of alcohol is a cigarette"
We have decided to quit drinking, so we should quit smoking. If this habit is on your list of harmful ones. After all, a cigarette requires a drink, after a glass of another, a puff seems more "tasty". But this is an illusion. And so much has already been said about the dangers of smoking that it's not worth mentioning here.
Eighth way: "Analysis of their actions"
Don't blame yourself in any way for loving this green snake. And feel free to talk about not drinking. Sometimes you just have to analyze everything that has happened to you in life. When you drank, when you had a hangover, when you wanted to drink.
You can also divide a piece of paper in two halves and write, in one column, what good alcohol gave me, in the other, what problems it caused. I bet the column with the positive points is unlikely to fill up. But to analyze the impact of alcohol on your life, the data is enough.

Near and dear make us people in all respects!
The ninth way: "Relatives are close"
It is very important to admit to yourself that you are addicted. It is not necessary to shout at every corner and introduce yourself: "Hello, my name is Vasya and I am an alcoholic" No! Admit it to yourself. Then, if you want, you can initiate loved ones, your wife, parents, children, those you live with or communicate with often, so that they know your intentions to stop drinking.
And the natives definitely won't tell you you're a fool or a fool. They are close and close to help and, above all, to understand. The support of loved ones is essential at the beginning of the journey to break free from the habit of drinking. Don't be afraid to say it, it is more dangerous to withdraw and not give up.
The tenth way to combat alcoholism: "Provocation is a failure"
There is an unshakable rule that if a person has decided not to drink, there is no need to provoke himself. For example, don't go to a store that has liquor, well, or at least avoid the departments with tempting bottles.
Try at first, until you have developed a habit of not drinking, not attending events where there is alcohol. Skip a friend's birthday or a nephew's baptism. You can skip this important event, so you'll get your sober focus on them.
The road to liberation will require sacrifices, but they will be insignificant compared to the sacrifices that can be made if one continues to drink.
Eleventh way: "Eat dinner alone. . . "
A very important aspect of fighting alcoholism is being full. Yes, yes. After all, very often you want to drink on an empty stomach, so try to have a big dinner in the evening when you get home from work, and thoughts about drinking will certainly take a back seat.
Way:"Stress is a reason to drink"
Try to avoid stressful situations, this is certainly difficult to do in our time, but possible. Now on the Internet you can find many methods of getting rid of depressive situations, for example, meditation. Not everyone understands them, but it's worth a try. Remember a truth for yourself, alcohol does not solve problems, alcohol adds new problems!
When a person refuses alcohol, it is as if he is missing out on something. Emptiness and discomfort appear. It is necessary in these moments to find something to do for oneself, so to speak, to fill the void. For example, instead of an evening date with a bottle and a glass, go to the cinema for an evening show. Buy a ticket to a rock concert and cry out heartily. By the way, the way of shouting is effective, they came home angry, there is no strength to drink, because life is complete "shit", lock yourself in the bathroom or bedroom and scream, loudly, you can even disturb your voice, but do it. And life will no longer seem so unfair. And it is quite possible that during the screaming you will find the right solution to some problem.
If you wish, you can consult a psychologist or consult a narcologist. The help of a specialist is often very important in these moments of launch. A good doctor can even find the cause of your addiction, bring out the very thing that started it all, and that's an important fact on the road to getting rid of alcohol.
There is now a lot of literature on the topics "How to quit drinking", "The way to sobriety" or "The easiest way to quit drinking". Read them. They may not have the expected effect, but they certainly won't harm. And it is better to occupy yourself in the evening by reading these advice books rather than filling your problems with liquid doubt.
Way:"Look at yourself as in a mirror"
Try to put yourself in the shoes of those people who suffer from your antics when you are drunk. Imagine, for example, your wife or husband in your place. Your significant other gets drunk and misbehaved. If he's at a party, you should at least be ashamed of your couple. Or if at home, after drinking, he caused a scandal? Interfere with sleep? Are you satisfied with this?
Now imagine that your children see you in this state. As a child, would you like to see your mom or dad as a Neanderthal? Hardly anyone will answer yes. Now imagine you are sitting at your workplace and your colleague at the next table smells like smoke or worse, "cool". Or you came to the doctor, and he sits with a headache after yesterday's party and has no idea how to cure you. Or is it a drunk teacher teaching your child a lesson?
Imagine how you can situations where alcohol is unpleasant for you, the people who use it, the consequences of it.
Folk ways to combat alcohol: use them or is it better to be afraid of them?
But in any case, do not resort to methods that can harm your health. Many, to stop drinking, go to grandmothers, so that they "whisper" and "talk" from the habit of drinking. It's okay if Grandma whispers to you and if she gives you herbs or tinctures. . . And you can transform yourself from an alcoholic patient into a poisoned patient. If you really feel that you cannot do it on your own, contact a narcologist who will prescribe the correct treatment and will not harm your health.
Make sure you analyze your life when you drank and this week when you drank. Or this year without alcohol. Believe me, time spent without alcohol is much more colorful, interesting and happier than with it. At least try to put this theory into practice. If you don't like living without alcohol, you can always go back to hangovers, blackouts, bankruptcies, debt. . alas, alcohol is available for sale here.
The main question is: is it realistic to stop drinking?
Millions of people around the world are proof that recovery is stronger than alcohol addiction. And they are proof that the treatments are working, families are getting better and life is getting better.
As with other chronic diseases, addiction to alcohol or other drugs can be successfully addressed. This will allow you to live a fulfilling and fulfilling life.
If you find it difficult to cope on your own, contact a drug addiction treatment center. Most people who attend treatment programs not only stop using alcohol or other drugs, but also improve their professional, social, and psychological well-being.